just like any other engine, the more miles the heavier grade.. new engine 10-30, medium miles 10-40 and I like 20-50 racing oil for higher miles and use Delo diesel spec oil for the zinc..What motor oil do I use for a 1969 Mustang fastback, 351 cleveland v8?
Any 10w30 or if you prefer a 30w oil will work for you just fine,increasing the oils viscosity to compensate for leaking seals and gaskets is just plain lazy,10w40 oil was originally developed as a longer lasting heavy weight oil before we had petrochemical based additives,another way to say it it was an attempt to get more miles between oil changes using non detergent oil,with todays oil there is no need to continue to up the viscosity or weight of an oil,to get the longer life and better protection you need from your oil,still many people assume that because grandpa and dad used that weight and grade I should too, but it is not the case,you would probably be better off using a conventional oil in you 351c but many people are using synthetic blends not to be confused with pure synthetic oil,as far as using a CJ-4 based 15w40 motor oil it is a waste of money for you, the additive CJ-4 is a petro calcium used to isolate carbons generated by the burning of low sulfur diesel fuel so that they are easier to be removed by the external oil filter and have little benefit for you,I would recommend in conventional oils Castrol,Quaker State,Pennzoil,or even Mobil Drive clean 5000,or in synthetic blend,Castrol Syntec,Trop Artic,or even Motorcraft branded oil.
To save your flat tappet cam use any of the new ';CJ'; rated commercial oils. Shell Rotella, Dello, Delvic. These oils are rated for diesel engines and gasoline engines. You need the additives in the new clean commercial oils to protect your older engine design.
Check this out ,the oil companies have changed the formulation of almost all of the motor oils and removed the additives which lubricate a flat tappet cam,since all newer V-8s use some kind of roller cam or are overhead cam.Royal Purple is one which is still good but it's not cheap.
Mmmmmm... cleveland, NICE. We use 15w 40 rotella on everything we own because we get it in the barrels, and it works great for us.. but there are a lot of people that don't like rotella.
If your mustang is a '69 thats not a stock engine, because the cleveland didn't come out until 1971 or 1972.. cant remember which right now off the top of my head.
I used this on my '72 351 Cleveland:
10w 40
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