Friday, December 18, 2009

What to use to get rid of motor oil off of a car?

Some pranksters sprayed motor oil in a parking lot and got the back of my car. I took it to the car wash and the obvious of it came off. However, after a few hours I checked it and noticed that i could see stains where the oil splattered. Did the guys at the car wash not scrub enough or should I use something else to remove the spots? What to use to get rid of motor oil off of a car?
Do not use brake cleaner as someone else recommended. Brake cleaner will dissolve car paint in addition to dissolving oil. Yes it would remove the oil, but it'd ruin your paint job too.

I would try the hand cleaner/degreaser from an auto parts store as another user recommended. However, I wouldn't place high hopes on that, since engine oil stains things pretty well. If it's a superficial stain, you may be able to use claybar to remove a very thin layer of the stain. You'll have to re-finish that part of the paint afterwards, though.What to use to get rid of motor oil off of a car?
Use some car wash detergent and a soft towel along with some elbow grease. The detergent will break up the oil just like dish soap will clean the grease out of a pan. Oil will not hurt the finish at all. And the car wash guys didn't try very hard,either.
Use mechanic's hand cleaner. It is available in a tube or can. Put it on and then wipe off with a clean, old T-shirt. Do a wash and admire the result. Git-R-Done!
buy some brake cleaner or degreaser. put some on a rag and gently rub it in. once oil is gone go the carwash again and make sure all chemicals are off.
try waxing the car. it should bring the oil stains off.

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