Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My friend accidentaly put motor oil in his automatic transmission?

Are there any inexpensive remadies? He already drained the tranny and replaced the fluid and it still doesn't have any power when you start off in drive. Reverse seems fine though. I think he drives a mazda protege.My friend accidentaly put motor oil in his automatic transmission?
Sounds like your friend only drained the pan, and not the torque converter (which contains roughly 70% of the transmission fluid). BOTH need to be completely drained, and then refilled with the proper fluid. Motor oil is too thick and causes too much slippage, though there shouldn't be any damage because of it. Some torque converters have a drain plug on them and makes them easy to drain, but if yours doesn't then you'll need to have a service station flush it out for you. A cheap-and-naughty method I used for completely draining my transmission involved leaving the pan off while running the engine and shifting through the gears (do NOT rev the engine or drive it this way). A lot of people probably wouldn't recommend that, but I've driven my car 60,000 miles since then and had no problem.My friend accidentaly put motor oil in his automatic transmission?
tow it to a shop that does bg transmission flushes and hope for the best -and let them know what has happened and just try it bg is the best to try if it fixes it good if it dont it wont sting near as bad as replacing the tranny
it couldnt of cause any real damage, just flush the system out by unhooking the cooler lines and start the car up but be sure to not let it get low or it'll burn it up.
Well so far, you have done what should be done! Did it have the ';power problem'; before the engine oil got put in? The power problem is ';slippage';! If nothing changed, you have big problem coming up, -- unless this is one that can be adjusted externally! It is possible that a can of ';transmission tuneup'; stuff might help (if it is a problem of leaking valve/piston seals) in shifting ! I always like ';TransMedic';, but it is getting harder to find lately, so you may or may not find it! In fact when I see it, I buy a ';bottle'; and put on shelf for later use, - (in case I suddenly need it)! I don't think I have ever made a transmission worse, and have made a lot of them work a whole lot better!

If this doesn't ';fix'; the probelm, I suggest taking it to dealer and see if there is anything that can be done without removing and rebuilding transmission! If it needs rebuilt, it will probably be easier if it gets there before it stops working all together!
If he can get it to a dealer or a transmission shop, they can drop the pan, change the filter (there is an internal filter on transmissions) and do a 'power flush' of it. The motor oil is thick-and when cold, it's clogging the transmission. So it has to be warmed up and then power flushed (cleaned) out of it. Not something you can do in your driveway.

Get it all out of there and it should be back to normal.
Me, too. Took it to the shop (10 miles). They drained it, and no ill effects.
draining it once doesnt get all the trans/motor oil out, theres still some locked in the tranny that aint gonna come out unless you refill it with tran fluid drive it a little and mix it up with the good fluid then drain it again. its an expensive way to completely rinse it out, but it will eventualy clear out. id say drain it and repeat about 3 more times to be sure the motor oil is all out.

and tell your friend to read the oil %26amp; trans caps before he poors.
You will need to flush the tranny out and get all the oil out. You may have burned the plates as well. But once you get it cleaned out, you will be able to tell. Good luck.
Draining the Tranny is only 30% of fluid, you need a Auto Trans Flush from a Service Repair Center %26amp; Keep flushing the Auto trans.

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