Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Any way to remove a set-in motor oil stain?

I didn't know any better and tried shout on the stain and washed and dried them. Shout didn't touch it. Now it's set in. Is there anything I can try to get it out?Any way to remove a set-in motor oil stain?
My husband has an auto frame repair shop. He get super dirty sometimes. Alot of it is oil and grease. I will wash his clothes and not notice the bad stains until after I have dried them all. He wears light gray shirts. I wet the shirt, use WISK as a stain remover............works great.

I always let the Wisk sit on the stain for a few hours. Wash the clothes and they come clean.Any way to remove a set-in motor oil stain?
dry cleaners,they have cleaning agents that are not available to the open public. they can lighten it and can possible remove it. Good luck!
You could try the dry cleaners- that is a tough stain,
Toothbrush rub some Simple gren into styain may work? or try toothbrush idea with some dry Baking Soda then wash?
get it dry cleaned

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