Saturday, December 26, 2009

My father accidently put motor oil instead of tranmission fluid into the transmission. What should we do?

Can we drive to auto place for a tranny flush? Or should we have to towed? It was less than a pint.My father accidently put motor oil instead of tranmission fluid into the transmission. What should we do?
I would not recommend driving the car at all. Some transmissions are very sensitive to the fluid that is used. Even though it was less than a pint. If you don't want to tow it I would drain all the tranny fluid providing that the car has never been started and driven. It might be wise to flush the transmission and replace the filter. Could save you a lot of hassle down the road.My father accidently put motor oil instead of tranmission fluid into the transmission. What should we do?
You will be fine .The oil is dilluted with the trans. fluid.The oil does not withstand the high temperature of the trans. fluid.Take it in and get it changed or flushed.
You can drive it there, have them flush the system, put in a new filter and check any band adjustments
I wouldn't . Either pull the plug or call for service .
two choices like the other guy said either have it towed to a shop or drop the pan and change the filter. It may cost a little more to have the Pro do it, but a transmission for my truck is around $2000 and a service about 250. simple math I learned the hard way. Swallow pride say made mistake here is what happened to mechanic knows what to be looking for. Talk to several before calling the tow truck, if it is a good shop they will tow for free, but that is also a way to hook you. ASk around to your friends and neighbors who runs a good transmission shop.
go to the store buy transmission flush and flush it twice with proper fluid, the owners manual will tell you what to get. drive it for 500 miles or so and flush it again.

the difference in the motor oil and transmission fluid might ruin the seals in the transmission
If you take it right away to have it flushed it SHOULD be ok. I would not drive very far though. But that is a minimal amount of motor oil which I dont think will harm the tranny.
It really depends on the car, some Japanese imports are much fussier than others, but it still won't cause any permanent problems, I am sure. If it is such a small quantity, I would drive it and not worry about it one bit. I have actually run straight motor oil (mobil-1 0W-20) in a drag racing transmission that was having problems with the torque converter flashing to too high of an RPM on launch, and upon disassembly at the end of the racing season everything still looked fine inside. I am currently using John Deere tractor hydraulic fluid in the same tranmsission/drag car - with perfect results.
It depends on how far, the more you drive the more damage done. The motor oil will gum up or block up all the filters and the lubricating systems. If you have the money tow it. Use a certified transmission speciliest. bye BLUE
DON'T START IT AT ALL....................................



IF YOU ALREADY STARTED IT, PRAY..........................

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